"(I confess: the rat/postrat/metarat spats are my dirty pleasure. It's exactly like living through the political history of the early church with the shadow popes and excommunications and councils and heresies - these people run governments, exchanges, AI companies! It's glorious)"
Nathan Sharp/NateWantsToBattle (Generic male students, Pretty Miyuki fan) isn't active on Twitter. Rin "AbyzouDev" Satsu (Togo Atatsuma, Evil Photographer, Mr. Ronshaku, etc) hasn't said anything or is active on Twitter. There's others but their voice roles are kinda minor, and others who are listed but I can't really find them publicly online.
I figured a collection of all the VAs Twitter accounts would be nice. So here are the ones I found, feel free to add more: Jonny Cruz aka Lucio. Darin DePaul aka Reinhardt. Matthew Mercer aka McCree. Carolina Ravassa aka Sombra. Keith Silverstein aka Torbjörn. Anjali Bhimani aka Symmetra. Charlet Chung aka D.Va. Cara Theobold aka Tracer. Elise ...
This is the first of what will be many conversation with Twitter personality and supernova @nosilverv. We discuss save the world psychology, using an avatar ...
Using R is for free, i.e. you will be able to produce a Twitter Analytics Report for free and learn how to code at the same time! R allows you infinite opportunities for analysis. Using it to analyse Twitter therefore allows you to conduct tailor-made analysis depending on what you wish to analyse instead of relying on a one-size-fits-all report
You can do all the other things: search tweets (tweet_search_recent()), retrieve your own bookmarks (user_bookmarks()), check who follows who, (user_following(), or user_followers()), …. Contact Communicating with Twitter's APIs relies on an internet connection, which can sometimes be inconsistent.
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